
The New York Vipassana Association (NYVA) is a nonprofit organization that sponsors periodic public events and local residential courses in Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka, within the New York Metropolitan Area, including nearby New Jersey.

Introduction to Vipassana What to Expect on a Course How to Apply for a Course
Vipassana is one of India’s oldest techniques of meditation, first taught 2,500 years ago. It is a practical method of self-awareness that allows one to face the tensions and problems of daily life in a calm and balanced way. To learn Vipassana Meditation one needs to develop one’s own experience during a residential 10-day course. Find out about the prerequisites and how to apply for a Vipassana course.


Courses in New York and Around the World

Main building of rented course site in Fishkill NY
10-day courses in Fishkill, NY

NYC Dhamma House and other Old Student Resources

  • The Old Student website contains information regarding Old Student courses, Dhamma Service, dāna, and local group settings, and the NYC Dhamma House. 
NYC Dhamma House
NYC Dhamma House
  • The NYC Dhamma House (for Old Students) is a non-residential facility run by NYVA which hosts group sittings and 1-Day courses.
  • Old Students are people who have completed at least one 10-day Vipassana course with S.N. Goenka or one of his assistant teachers. If you are an Old Student and have forgotten the login information, you may email us at [email protected] with details such as when and where you attended your most recent 10-day course